So lately I've notice more and more guys are getting back in to "barebacking". For some of you who don't know what that is, its playing unprotected without a condom. I will admit that I myself enjoy doing this but at a price. I will ONLY do this with people I trust and those close to me such as my boyfriend. But some of the guys I meet don't ask me what my status is, don't ask me if I am clean of any diseases, and instead jump head first in to BB without taking precautions for themselves. I'm wondering if its because guys feel that "well if I get something its not a death sentence" which I feel is the wrong attitude to have. Many diseases we have today are treatable but on the same note, that doesn't justify the need to spread it so carelessly. It is up to the person to make this choice for themselves but also be aware of the risk. I have seen friends who go to sex parties, end up getting in group sex, and then pretty much let themselves go and later on freaking out about how they made a mistake. Its not disrespectful to wear a condom, if you aren't sure or just feel pressured to not wear a condom then maybe that person is not the best person to be doing that with. Their are plenty of guys out there who don't care about you and are willing to easily pass it to you to just simply "get off". People need to be responsible for their actions. This by no means makes everyone a bad person, some people truly just end up in the wrong place at the wrong time. I just advice that people be a little more aware. We are all fighting to make this world a better place and without judgement and the last thing I want you to think is I'm judging you.