I am a man. Because i'm a man does that mean I need to look at members of the same sex or opposite sex and objectify them as sex objects. I don't mind saying someone is handsome and throwing up a picture every once in a blue moon on Facebook but what about the others who spend so much time commenting on photos of their friends or even a picture of some random guy they don't know just to say how hot they are and how much they want to do him. Am I the only one who finds this wrong? When I meet a guy I like to treat him with respect, I don't walk up and grab his ass or chest and try to make out with him immediately. Lately i've been more aware to this, I saw this a lot at Tidal Wave & Gay Days at Disney and it made me feel weird. I like men just as much as the next gay guy but i'm not going to be a nymphomaniac and make it my everlasting conquest to get laid by him or be the biggest whore of the weekend. Step right up, see how many loads this whore can take. Honestly, I know theirs some perverted people out there but its unsettling to see that more than the majority are on that same level leaving me in a minority of people who don't want to be physical with everything that walks in the room. I'm told that they are just being friendly with each other, well when i'm friendly with someone I say hello and give them a hug at most, I don't go and jump on them and try to do them then and there.
Maybe i'm crazy for feeling this way but I like to believe I have standards and I won't just use the excuse "i'm a man and this is how men are wired". If thats the case then what chance to straight women have with men since they are gonna be whore's with other women?