How can you laugh when someone doesn't understands your humor but expects you to find their humor amusing? How can you feel good about yourself when everything that makes you who you are annoys someone but you are expected to be tolerant of everyone else? How is it possible to not feel less than someone else when what makes you who you are is being criticized?
I try everyday to respect everyone's differences, I know I won't be able to get along with everyone. I don't ask that you understand everything about me, what I do ask is to just be tolerant of who I am. The last thing I need to feel is like a small infant who needs guidance because he's immature and no like everyone else. I don't expect others to deal with my problems, so don't expect me to deal with yours. If you can't handle my baggage what makes you think I can handle yours? I may have a jaded sense of the world but in the end I believe a better tomorrow does exist and that things will eventually work out because if I didn't then why would I be making an effort to make a better future for myself? The last thing I want to do with this entry is to start drama because i'm just stating how i'm feeling inside. And to some people stating how I feel inside to them means I am overreacting. But in reality I am just reflecting, that is the whole point of this blog. A way to reflect on the past and see it for what it is, a point of growth. I am human, I make mistakes and I am always learning and always growing.
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