Sunday, April 9, 2023


 My sixth album "Continue" was released on Friday. I am absolutely floored by the response and amount of people listening to my music. 37 Listeners on Spotify alone may not sound like a lot but hey its something to me. I am really happy to see people resonating with "Perfect" as well as "Love Is A Sickness" which are the two top tracks being listened to the most off of the newest album.

When I started to work on Continue I wasn't sure I could make music anymore or even write or sing, and the thought of working on an album of all original music kind of scared me so I decided to take a bunch of songs I have that I never released and just finish vocals and work on adding to what I already had. The results that came out of that I am very pleased with and it really has helped to boost my confidence in my work. Also when I named the album "Continue" it was a question to myself, do I want to continue to make music? Right now, I want to say yes but I am also building my confidence back up while getting sober so we will see how the future unfolds.

I plan to do a few videos over the course of the year for the album to help promote the album. I am not comfortable performing live, never have been with my social and general anxiety however I would like to confront those fears one day. But until then I may work on doing a live stream performance down the road. In the meantime, I will also be working on re-releasing Kaleidoscope for the 10th Anniversary which is this year. I have talked to a couple of people already who want to do remixes for the album. I also need to get a few songs done but I have time to think about that.

This week has been hard, been having panic attacks happening to me almost every other hour and felt like I was going crazy. I guess thats just part of getting sober from Meth. Glad to be off of that shit, doesn't mean I don't crave it sometimes but I at least feel like I am at a point where I can say no now which is great. Keeping myself distracted is really helping so I am gonna probably continue to do that. Staying productive.

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