I live in America, a place where you are free to express your opinion and be who you are. I didn't know that right meant only certain people who are "SAVED" by Jesus Christ, and believe "FAGS" like myself should "GET AIDS AND DIE." First of all, I believe Straight people have NO RIGHT to decide rights for me because they have no idea what its like and they will never know. Second, religion is the LAST thing you should use against us because you say you hear the word of "God" and in some circles we call that Schizophernia. I believe you are allowed to believe what you want to believe, and you should give me the same right to believe what I want to believe. But when it comes to trying to push those beliefs on someone else because you state its a FACT without the FACTS, then you are WRONG. We should all be tolerant as we are all human and all different. Third, I am HIV negative and plan to stay that way. Its a epidemic occuring for EVERYONE EVERYWHERE, Gay, Straight, Man or Woman. Instead of hating on me you should get a life and learn to not be a homophobic cunt. After seeing all this ridiculous fighting for the past couple of years and seeing people like Christine O'Donnell, Sarah Palin, and George W. Bush make judgments on things they will never understand makes me sick. They should mind their own fucking business and leave us alone. I may not be able to change them, but at least I can use the right to freedom of speech and express that we really need to stop fighting on such a silly thing. We have other things in the world going on right now that are much more serious than that. You may not want to know what we do in our bedrooms, but we also don't want to know what happens in yours. We should have the right to walk down the street with our lovers hands held together like everyone else. I really don't have much left to say so i'm gonna go relax now. And don't make me come back and say things that are not family oriented because I wouldn't want to ruin the minds of innocent children everywhere... Oh wait, I forgot about all those horrible parents out there who are doing that already and of course all those pedophiles that you pretend don't exist. Goodnight.
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