After we did this, we stopped by our friend, Lee's house. We discussed what to do with the evening and eventually decided to go see Paranormal Activity 2. I posted in an earlier blog entry that the idea of a sequel for the film was bad. I don't feel that way now and I should have been more open minded. This film was everything and more, it was shot in the same way the first film was the it was done with minimal effects which I thought was great. The movie was just generally creepy and now I can't sleep so its done an awesome job. What got me freaked out was when the wife was being dragged out of Hunter's room and she was holding the staircase and he body was just floating in the air. It just creeps me out being dragged by something you can't see in to a dark basement. I'd really like to see if they can do a third film, if it is at all possible. And I recommend this film to anyone who was a fan of the first film.

Adam bought me a copy of Goldeneye 007 for the Wii. The game is really just fantastic and beautiful. One of the most beautiful experiences on the Wii in my opinion. The game is a reimaging of the original Goldeneye 007 for the N64 and also a reimaging of the film as well. The game portrays the current James Bond, Daniel Craig and an entirely new cast. It still follows the story of the film very closely but is done in a way that would make sense to the world today. The game also plays very well, the controls take some getting used to but after a while it feels natural. The music is fantastic, thanks to current Bond composer, David Arnold. My only complaints with the game is three things, first of all, I played the game on Easy and towards the later levels of the game that it got much harder to the point where I wanted to throw the controller at the screen. This scares me to even attempt to play on harder difficulties. Second, on the Cradle level where you have to defend Natalya who is attempting to stop the Goldeneye 007. In the original game you did the same but it was NEVER on the level of difficulty it was in this game. How do you stop almost ten guards shooting at her and you? I died almost like twenty times trying to defend her. The guards are really powerful and shouldn't be. Not on easy mode. And third, the fight sequence between you and Trevalan was ridiculous and annoyed the hell out of me. First it starts off simple with just you and Trevalan fighting in a room, then suddenly guards that respawn from different doors and the windows jump in the fight. As if that wasn't annoying enough, you have to deal with a Helicopter as well that is defending Trevalan. The fight sequence was the most annoying and non-enjoyable part of the game and thats sad considering its the highlight of the experience. Even with those bad things, the rest of the game makes up for the bad parts and it feels great. The multiplayer is as addictive as the original game and the best part is having multiplayer compatibility. I recommend the game for fans of the original or James Bond or action fans in general. This game is a must in the Wii library.
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