Today is a very sad day for Orgy fans. And I mean the music group, not the act. Last night Amir Derakh on the Julien-K forums announced:
As of Oct. 26th Jay Gordon will be leaving the original band Orgy. We don’t know what this means for the future of Orgy, but we are assuming that Jay intends to release new music under the name Orgy. We don’t know if Jay has a new band waiting in the wings to replace us, or if he plans on doing it all on his own - but we do know that Jay is a talented writer, and we are sure that he will come up with something great. Over the last few years we have tried to get the band together and tour or write new music - even though we are juggling multiple businesses as well as 3 original music projects (Julien-K, Dead By Sunrise, and Circuit Freq), we have always been willing to make time for Orgy. It saddens us that Jay is choosing to carry on the Orgy name without his brothers that helped build and create that name, but we truly wish him all the best. Thank you all for your continued support on the many projects that we are all involved in, and for being our friends, family, and fans over the years. Sincerely, Ryan, Amir, Bobby, and Paige.
In response to this Jay Gordon posted this on his Facebook page:
Ok, First of all this has NOT been about breaking up the original band ORGY. I owned the name ORGY and licensed it to the band at the beginning. Although Ryan, Amir, and I had been talking about ORGY touring this summer (which now has come and gone), It didn't feel to me that was going to happen. Julien-K had decided to go on tour to Europe instead. Now that everyone is working on different Projects (some have SEVERAL). I needed to be able to move forward to revive the ORGY brand. In order to make that happen, for legal reason’s, I had to send them a letter to inform them that as of October 26, 2010 the partnership would be terminated. In the letter I stated that if we were to tour, that everyone would still be paid equally, with no changes. So honestly, I can't see how they would arrive at what they wrote? Everyone has been so busy with their different projects I figured this was the only way for me to continue on with the name. I started this band, and I don't want to let it fall to the wayside completely. They mentioned being my brothers, so I am a little confused on why they did not call me about the situation before putting out a press release, implying things based on speculation, that simply aren't true. Sincerely, Jay Gordon (Orgy)
Based on both responses it sounds like their is some miscommunication issues between the members of Orgy and maybe even some issues of what is important to them. From my own personal stand point, it looks like Jay is tired of waiting for the other members to finish their side projects and decided to just take control and move forward with the project rather then waiting. I'm not sure I will be able to listen to the new Orgy, whatever it may be because it won't feature the original members, just Jay Gordon. But only time will tell.
So, now i'm gonna touch on the last few days. I signed up with a job agency called Manpower. They are located right here in Allegan, and at first they seemed very nice and really eager to help me. They gave me an appointment, I came in for it and sat down with this lady that was very quick and seemed to want to rush the whole interview. Instead of giving the regular Perrigo job, she instead refered me to a lady that they work with so I could get a Data Entry position within Perrigo. The problem is after I sent this lady my resume through e-mail, she mailed me back saying they had no positions open but would keep my record on file. So I called Manpower the next day to get an appointment with them. They made it sound like they held their part of the deal. Unfortunately the deal is to get me a job, not have me sit around until someone dies or gets fired from the job. So now I have a interview with them in two week, that should be good I hope.
Later today, i'll be going to Play N Trade to sell my Nintendo 64 along with all of its games. This truly makes me sad, I love all the games I have, those titles include:
- Goldeneye 007
- Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
- Banjo-Kazooie
- Star Wars Episode 1 Racer
- Mario Kart
- Super Mario 64
- Diddy Kong Racing
- Perfect Dark
- Turok The Dinosaur Hunter
- South Park 64
- Star Fox 64
- F-Zero X
- Conker's Bad Fur Day
- Quest 64
- Doom 64
So as you can see I have quite a collection of games and I hate the fact that i'm losing them but hopefully I can get some good amount of money out of it. I am telling myself I can always rebuy it when the time comes but i'm still very attached to it. This is the gamer in me.
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