In 2014 I did a show at Oz Campground, its one of the few live performances I have done but at this particular performance a belligerent drunk yelled out towards the end of my set "Sing something happy". I have spent years being told by almost everyone that my music is too dark, depressing, and so on and so forth. The thing is, I feel comfortable writing from a place of melancholy, its easier to write from experience then from a place that is not where I am at. So I write whatever I am going through and take the negative energy of the situation and turn it in to music hoping to inspire a reaction in others. Whether that be feeling sad, angry, or better because they don't feel so alone that is up to the listener. I'd rather write music from a place thats real to me rather then try to write something happy because it sounds good. It wouldn't be authentic since thats not where my head is at, I have written songs like "Stars", "Eternal Love", and "I'm Not A DJ" which are upbeat songs and authentic because I was happy when I wrote them. Also I am not like most artists, I choose to write about things that are on the darker side of life just because that is where I have been most of my life and I think I have a very good understanding of it. I would rather do what my heart tells me to and this is what my heart wants me to do, I wish more people would understand that. Its almost like they get extremely offended that I am trying to "harsh their mellow" when in fact I want to connect with someone who is going through some rough patches themselves or has been through it already and remembers it and can reflect on it. That is what my music is about, its about making people think, questioning existence and trying to find a way to live regardless of all the pain we are put through. That is why I spent the last two years working on evolving my sound, when I first started music I wanted to do something very much like Trent Reznor, but as time went on people came in to my life and influenced the style of my music so it became lighter musically but darker lyrically. A sort of ying and yang which I very much believe in through out my music, but I feel it confused people hearing bright happy synthpop music with dark lyrics. I'm hoping the change in style to a more industrial rock sound which I wanted to do since 2009 will finally convey the message clearly. Sadly I have a huge issue when it comes to marketing myself, I don't know how to do it correctly and thats why I basically have no audience. Pushing myself to continue to post everyday links to the music, specifically the new EP since its the evolution of my sound to both dark sound and lyrics. Not sure why anyone would compare me to Britney Spears or Ke$ha when clearly my influences are Nine Inch Nails and Gary Numan if they actually took the time to hear the sound I am going for. Maybe its me, or maybe its the state of the music industry, either way i'll continue to share my music and hope my message will someday resonate with someone.
Dustin,I also write similar music, and i heard one of your songs and liked it. It resonated with me. I will listen to the rest of the EP and I am not experienced with Google + so I will just say who I am, I am 'Andrea Moore from Shotgun Genetics. Life is very difficult for a long time for me so I understand that part. Also I make synthpop and it just comes out however it does. I do not try to make it lighter or darker...I am guessing it is kind of dark, but I do not try. Anyway I wish you well and you are lucky to know Tom Shear anyway too. Best Wishes.
ReplyDeleteThank you, when I write I try to capture whatever I am feeling or experiencing, I tend to write about things that I am dealing with past and present, I find it therapeutic in a way and its upsets me that people just see it as dark instead as a way to channel that energy in to art to deal with it. I am not very good at marketing which is my biggest drawback, honestly I wish I could just focus on my music and leave that to more skilled hands but since its just me I can't. I will look up your music, I am always looking for music to listen to and be inspired by. Thanks again for sharing with me.
DeleteI had no idea you would ever reply to me. Here is what is actually going on. Life is super hard right now I do get that. In fact I am in a situation that is almost impossible to get out of. The person as a room mate hates my music and although he is not capable of hacking the music computer or sound cloud, someone did. I got so mad last night I shaved my head so there is that. It grows back but I am dying here. I decided to make him allow me more time to figure out where to go I would remove all sound cloud accounts I could remember and just let some time pass until I can get the hell out of here. I want to leave so bad. They are going to send me to the hospital but I know that a friend of my X husbands is also stalking me but they are telling me I am crazy...there is a lot more (I could be a bit crazy I am not denying it). Look however hard life is, as soon as spring comes if I sleep in my truck back in the Okanogan county (wilderness here) I will do that for awhile. For now I have to just try to survive, and it is not easy. Maybe I need help. I feel everyone turned against me, so I am afraid to ask. I am also afraid of people in general because some bad things happened. I will take a break from music but I have all the hardware and software and I also can play guitar even though I am lazy about practicing with it. I am in the trap from hell in real life not just my dark songs but real life. I always wished I could have met your friend Tom again, but never had the chance and there was someone I did not want to run into in Seattle. If your ever out in Washington near Olympia or Tacoma send an email, hell with hackers it takes me two phone calls to get back into this account. The music is backed up on a third computer so I think it will survive. Well if you are ever in the area let me know. Also don't shave your head it looks weird on women but handsome on men. I have enough cash on hand I may go stay in a extended stay hotel until I can sort this out...I do not mean to burden you it is just no one here listens to me, if they listen they yell at me and threaten to throw me out in the snow. I will go stay with family for a short time but as you can see I made a terrible mistake moving here. I wish I had a friend in real life to talk to but because they hacked my accounts on sound cloud so bad I have no idea who to trust right now, I have some people around me that are not being very kind, it hurts and I am suffering really bad. So I know what it is like when life is difficult. Write whatever kind of songs you want is my motto, life is to short to not do whatever kind of music you want, or many kinds. I am very lonely here, no one talks to me and they get mad when I leave. I will probably however leave in about a week no matter what. It is okay to call me if you want only one DJ guy is on the no-call list, he is called potato head nick name chaos, but never mind thanks for letting me talk, everyone wants me to stay quiet all the time leading to problems with the computer and Internet world. hugs. Ask Tom my phone he probably never saw it or even noticed it but can find it in his dm on SC if he looks, also Dustin I would not mind hearing from you it is cool. Be good. AJM PS. I hate marketing music the industry has a big problem with streaming I know it. I will get zero dollars for my last album but it was created just to say I finished another one, for personal enrichment and creative expression. You understand? I have to go I hope I do not bore you with this long message I can type faster than I can talk.