Burning Heretic (C)DT.
Yesterday I was bored for Halloween and came out with this image. I made this image by merging an image of myself screaming and an image of flames. Personally I think its very interesting and at the same time it scares even me. To me it represents 'Rage'. Me coming out of the flame or becoming the flames. I would like to hear your feed back on what you think of this picture. I am gonna be heading to bed soon, been listening to Coil. I have never heard their stuff before but I really like it. Its very different, its like art to me, something no one can replicate and something that can withstand the claws of time. Their music is truly unique and I hope one day, either in Dominion Alliance, or in my solo project I can create something as truly unique as Coil's body of work.
And on that note, I am gonna finish eating and head to bed here. Everyone have a great night!
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