Hey everyone, the sign of the apocalypse has come. I actually like the song "Bad Romance" by Lady GaGa, and if you are one of my friends you will know that I can't stand Lady GaGa. I just like how it was produced and the music is catchy. But this by no means will mean that I will pick up her album "The Fame". I just have no interest in Lady GaGa, she lost me at the mutilation of Kermit the Frog. I mean Miss Piggy must be totally pissed off for Ms. GaGa killing not only Kermit the Frog but her entire family. Oh well, PETA didn't care, instead they gave her an award for it, guess PETA only cares about fur coats and not muppet coats, racist bastards...
I recently decided to take a break from Facebook because all I have noticed on the site was drama, drama, and more drama. I'm very sick of hearing about everyone's problems and plus, I have had enough of people getting in contact with me on there and then totally disappearing or standing me up. The guy I thought i'd further get to know and possibly romantically become involved with ended today because since Saturday, Krystofer wanted time alone. I gave him his space and was on Facebook on Sunday and noticed he was online and playing around on Farmville or whatever application he was playing. Anyways,I just commented on him coming back and all he says is "I'm fine...". So I sent him a personal message to let him know that I hope he's okay and that we can talk soon. I text him the next day saying Good morning. Nothing still. Then on Tuesday I felt like he was just ignoring me at this point so I decided to delete both him and CJ for not getting back to me. I mean if you are so busy then why do you have time to play Farmville and Bejeweled but no time to send me a text saying "I am busy, we will talk soon..." is that so hard to ask for? I guess it is because even after the voicemails I sent them both stating that I won't be making anymore calls after this they STILL never called me back. Its fine, its over now, and I feel better because i'm seriously sick of people who are not reliable. Lets just say that if I was about to die, I wouldn't call you.
I saw my mother yesterday, it was very nice, went out to Long Island after I finished work. My sister came home early, she has been sick with some kind of viral infection, so she hasn't been really active. We decided to go to Friday's, so we got our food and my mother's salad was like just leaves, nothing else, no chicken, nothing else in it. So we called over the waitress and was like "Where's the rest of it?!". She brought over a few things but it was like massacred by the time we were done looking through the salad. It was a mess. My food was alright, I didn't really care for it. All in all, Friday's is nothing like it used to be. Now I understand why we along with like two other families were the only ones in there. Afterwards we watched some videos from the past that I made and my mother couldn't believe how we all looked. It was like another world to both of us. But I had a great time visiting her, I hope to do it again sometime. I don't get out to Long Island very much but I do enjoy when i'm out there. I remember so many things when I was there but at the same time, I realize that i'm not the same person I was when I was out there. I have grown and matured since then, and its just so interesting to see and feel the difference. Even when I see and hangout with people I was friends with on Long Island when I was much younger its just like a rush of memories. I hope I can come out to LI again soon. Anyways, its getting very late here so i'm gonna head to bed now. I will update again soon. Seeya.
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